Σάββατο 18 Ιουλίου 2020

hear a voice that along with the wind, speaks about you...

i don't know where to find you
İ don't know how to search for you

But İ hear a voice that
along with the wind, speaks about you

This soul without a heart
Awaits you

The nights without your skin
The dreams without stars

give me still hope
that İ will find you

İ close my eyes
and İ see you
İ'm trying to find the path that will

take me away
from this agony

İ feel in me, beating
this music that
İ've invented for you

İf you know how to find me
İf you know where to look for me
Embrace me
with your thought
The sun
appears to be pale
Light your
name on the sky

Tell me that you are

everything that İ want

live in you

The sun
seams pale to me
Embrace me
with your thought
İ'm lost without you

Tell me who you are and
İ'll believe it
you are music


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